CV Jolanda Jansen                                                                                                                    short   //
Lives and works in The Hague The Netherlands

2005-2007 | Dutch Art Institute Enschede, Post graduate research and practice in Art
2000-2005 | Royal Academy of Art The Hague, BA Fine art, 3D

Selected Exhibitions / Performances and Projects
2024 l perfocraZe International Artist Residency_ crazinisT artisT studiO_ Kumasi_ Ghana_ solo performance
2024 l BUT film festival_ Breda_ duo performance with Fuasto Grossi
2024 l Equinox_ Het Hof_ Dordrecht_ group performance in public space
2024 l Starptelpa_ Riga Performance Festival_ Latvia_ solo performance
2023 l Milieu Events_  Contact Amsterdam_ performance
2023 l Bij twijfel niet inhalen_ Ruimtevaart_ Den Haag_ video of performance
2023 l Equinox_ Het Hof_ Dordrecht_ group performance in public space
2023 l Venus Effect_ Primo Piano LivinGallery_ Lecce_ Italy_ video of performance
2022 l InSitu_ Guanajuato_ Mexico_ curated by Gustavo Alvarez_ performance
2022 l Ephemeral Infinite in Zona Del Silencio_ Mexico_ performances on location
2021 | Stre!fen_ Görlitz (Germany) and Zgorzelec (Poland)_ performance in public space and exhibition
2021 | The 2nd Nieuwstraat Festival_ Unnoticed Art_ Dordrecht_ carry out performance concepts
2021 | Riga Performance Festival: Starptelpa (In-Between)_ online festival_video of performance
2021 |
Out of Sight Chicago_ online performance art in public space project_ live stream performance
2021 | Bbeyond Belfast_ R-A-W Recorded Action Web-Exhibition_ performance video
2020/2021 | Un/Cube Gallery_ online gallery_ video and live stream performance
2020 | MEM festival Bilbao_ curator Txema Agiriano_ Salón de actos CMD San Francisco_ Bilbao Spain_ durational performance
2020 | End-to-End_ Hoogtij#62_ by P.S.- Performance Site_ De Helena_ The Hague_ performance
2019 | PiPe Festival_ Pictura Dordrecht_ performance
2019 | Eco Art Suncheon_ Jang An Gallery_ Suncheon Korea_ performances
2019 | Eco Art Rebel Live Action_ Rebel Art Space_ BACC Bangkok Art and Culture Center and Hang Chui Creative Park_ Bangkok Thailand_ performances
2019 | Museum Nacht Den Haag_ Pulchri_ The Hague_ performance
2019 | Arti et Amicitiae_ Maelstrom_ with artists: Anna J. van Stuijvenberg, Marilyn Arsem, Jeroen Toirkens and Jelle Brandt Corstius_ Amsterdam_ installation and solo performance
2019 | Collector’s weekend_ Villa Sonsbeek_ Arnhem_ performance
2019 | Performancear O MORIR_ Chihuahua Mexico_
4 performances
2018 | Twelve Twelve gallery_ The Hague_ performance during opening Saskia Tannemaat
2018 | Transart Communication 30_ Performance Train_ Public performance in Prague Czech Republic_ Karlin Studios_ performance
2018 | Performance Crossings_ Crossclub_ Prague_ Czech Republic_ performance
2018 | International Festival SARAJEVO SARAJEVSKA ZIMA_ Sarajevo_ Bosnië Herzegovina_ performance and video
2017 | Performance Bar_ Rotterdam_ performance with duo Crutches
2017 | PAO – A polyphony of voices_ Artist reflections_ Oslo_ Norway_ performance
2016 |
WIPAW_ Warsaw International Performance Art Weekend_ Poland_ performance
2016 | Unnoticed Art Festival 2016_ Nijmegen_ performance actions
2016 | Pulchri_ Den Haag_ installation and performance
2016 | Rotterdam Museum Night_ Breaking & Making Routines_ Goethe Institute_ performance
2015 | Castle Park_ Bristol_ UK_ Duo performance with Andrea Greenwood
2015 | Pictura_ Performancefestival with traces_ Dordrecht_ performance
2015 | Cel 32_ Berlin_ Germany_ performance
2014 | Playfull Arts Festival_ ‘s-Hertogenbosch_ performance
2014 | Galerie Nasty Alice_ ‘SEX’_ Nijmegen_ video and performance
2014 | CREATurE Live Art Festival_ Kaunas_ Lithuania_ performance
2014 | Witzenhausengallery_ Amsterdam_ video installation_ solo
2013 | Galerie Nasty Alice_ Nijmegen_ performance
2013 | OutLINE__ Amsterdam_ performance
2013 | Nijmeegse Kunstnacht__ library_ Nijmegen_ performance
2013 | Art Meets Science__ Art Crumbles _ Nijmegen _ installation and performance
2013 | Match__ bART Den Bosch_ TAC Eindhoven_ Electron Breda_ Artots Den Bosch_ installation and performance
2013 | Witzenhausengallery__ New York_ USA_ exhibition solo
2012 | Primo Piano Livingallery__ Lecce Italy_ Our Future Imagined_ international video art
2012 | Extrapool__ Nijmegen _ Performance festival_ performance
2012 | Oisterwijk Sculptuur__ Oisterwijk_ performance and video installations
2012 | Witzenhausengallery__ Amsterdam_ ‘Solitude’_ video installations_ solo
2012 | PAEkort #5 __ Performance Art Event_ Rotterdam_ performance during RAW art fair

Exhibitions at Museums
2020 | Guggenheim Museum_ MEM festival Bilbao_ curator Txema Agiriano_ Bilbao Spain_ performance
2020 | CO-CREATION LIVE FACTORY Prologue 2- Venice International Performance art week_ European Culture Centre – Palazzo Mora_ Italy_ solo performance
2019 | Kuryokhin Center for Contemporary Art_ Saint Petersburg_ Russia_ duo exhibition with video work
2018 | Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale-II_ Government Museum, Chandigarh, India_ performance
2018 | Manggha museum Krakow_ Poland_ solo and group performances
2017 | PYRFYR at Solyanka State Gallery in Moscow_ Russia_ solo exhibition with screenings and long durational performances
2017 | CO-CREATION LIVE FACTORY Prologue 1- Venice International Performance art week_ European Culture Centre – Palazzo Mora_ Italy_ solo and group performances
2016 | TheParallelShow #9_ Stasi Museum_ Berlin_ performance action
2015 | Arnolfini _ Bristol_ UK_ performance
2013 | Van AbbeMuseum_ Nijmegen_ Young Art Night_ performance
2007 | Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal_ Scheltema_ Leiden_ ‘
Brains Unlimited’_ on scientific research_ video-portrait

Art Fairs
2022 l Asian Art Biennale_ Dhaka_ Bangladesh_ Curated by Monjur Ahmed_ performance
2021 | This Art Fair_ Amsterdam_ performance program by P.S.- Performance Site_ performance
2020 | This Road Show_ by This Art Fair and P.S.- Performance Site_ NDSM Werf_ Amsterdam_ performance
2016 | This Art Fair_ Beurs van Berlage_ Amsterdam_ video screenings with artist duo Crutches
2015 | NordArt_ Carlshütte Büdelsdorf, Germany_ video-installations
2014 | RAW Art fair_ Rotterdam_ video installation
2014 | Lights in the Good Luck Garage__ RAW artfair_ Rotterdam_ video
2012 | Art Miami__ Miami_ USA_ 5th till 9th December_ two video presentations
2012 | Scope__ Basel _ Switzerland_ two video presentations
2012 | RAW Artfair__ Rotterdam_ RAW EXPO_ video_ video-installation and performances

Artist In Residence
2024 l perfocraZe International Artist Residency_ crazinisT artisT studiO_ Kumasi_ Ghana_ one month residence
2020 | Summer School Spinoza: Passionate Action_ West_ The Hague
2018 | Art Center Antares Taidekeskus_ Sippola Finland_ solo and group performance
2013 | Resedency Unlimited__ New York_ USA_ residency and performance_ solo performance
2009 | Kunstenaars & Co__ Amsterdam_ ‘
Mentoring’_ mentor Ulay

2021 | Out of Sight Chicago_ Martine Viale and Dimple B Shah
2020 | P.A.S. Performance Art Studies_ #71 | “which side is the right site” / Görlitz , Germany
2015 | IPA Bristol_ Where Performance Happens_ Bristol_ UK
2016 | P.A.S. Performance Art Studies_ #51 | “critical reflection II” / Venice, Italy
2015 | Zierle&Carter and Dagmar I. Glausnitzer_ Berlin_ Germany
2014 | P.A.S. Performance Art Studies_ #35 | resistance_ Kaunas_ Lithuania
2009 | ‘Performance Art Meets Urban Diversity’_ Ingo Keil/Charlie Citron_ Artots_ Den Bosch

Artist Talks
2022 | Flow Symposium_ online_ performance Lecture
2021 | Stre!fen_ Görlitz (Germany) and Zgorzelec (Poland)_ performative lecture
2020 | TSA_presentation_KABK_ The Hague_ performative lecture
2019 | Eco Art Suncheon_ Jang An Gallery_ Suncheon Korea_ performative artist talk
2019 | Eco Art Rebel Live Action_ Rebel Art Space_ Bangkok Thailand_ performative artist talk
2019 | Arti et Amicitiae_ Maelstrom_ artist talk
2018 |
Government Museum_ Chandigarh_ India_ performative artist talk
2017 | PAO – A polyphony of voices_ Artist reflections_ Oslo_ Norway_ performative artist talk

2013 | Mondriaan Fund
2012?2022 | Stroom Spot individual exhibition
2011 | Stroom Spot Documentation

Funding Group Exhibition
Fonds 1818_ Stokroos_ Broedplaatsen subsidie Gemeente Den Haag_ Gemeente Den Bosch_ Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds_ Mondriaan Fund_ Goethe Institut_ AFK

2021 | “PAO 7 Years”, book, text and picture on the cover
| The ParallelShow, Frans van Lent
| Jegens en Tevens’, internet blog
| ChmKoome’s blog
| POA festival, interview with Jolanda Jansen
| Performance Jolanda Jansen’, Dutch Art Monkeys
| In Performance’, Contemporary Performance, NY
| Perserving in Solitude’, Psychology Tomorrow, NY
| ‘Oisterwijk Sculptuur’, Brabands Dagblad
| ‘Sculptuur in Oisterwijk’, Tableau article
| ‘Raw Expo’, Mister Motley
| ‘What’s up magazine, special edition’_ RAW Expo Rotterdam_ catalogue
| ‘Raw Art Fair – Dag 1 – Geweren, mariniers, eierwekkers en klei’, Gonzo (circus)
| ‘Videobeelden in de Lange Dwarsstraat’, De Krant van Gouda
| ‘Dierlijke mensenlichamen in een oude steenhouwerij’, Tubelight
| ‘Here as the center of the world’_ a trans national research project_ DAI
| Flat_land by STeC and id11
| NRC_ review_Heren Toilet’_ 08-05-08
| Out of Mind and Body’_ with an interview by the performance and photographic artist Ulay about my work

2021 | This Art Fair_ Amsterdam_ performance program by P.S.- Performance Site
2021 | Stre!fen_ Görlitz (Germany) and Zgorzelec (Poland)_ international artist program
2021 | P.S.-Process_ A circle of 10 artists to exchange their creative process of their recent work
2020 |
This Road Show_ by This Art Fair and P.S.- Performance Site_ NDSM Werf_ Amsterdam
2020 | ‘Project ID screening’_ evening with Open Source group performance and screenings of Project ID_ Ruimtevaart The Hague
2019 |
Project ID – In between identities’_ international performance art event by P.S.- Performance Site_ in cooperation with Venice International Performance Art Week; Vest&Page, Marilyn Arsem and LADA, with short residency and live performance event, exhibition and readings_ Maakhaven / De Helena / Ruimtevaart / de Barthkapel The Hague
2019 |
Sculpture Park’_ Workshop with BBB Johannes Deimling of 2 days and live presentation_ Ruimtevaart The Hague
2018 | ‘
Time’, International performance art event by P.S.- Performance Site of two days, with 6  international artists and 6 artists from The Hague_ Hoogtij#55_ The Grey Space In The Middle The Hague
2018 | ‘
P.S. COS’_ Context and Open source with Readings and group performances_ 3 afternoons by P.S.- Performance Site_ Ruimtevaart The Hague
2018 | ‘
Fullmoon in de 3Mollen’, national performance art event with evening program_ exchange between P.S.- Performance Site and stichting STeC Den Bosch
2017 | ‘
P.S.- This is Live!’_ International performance art event by P.S.- Performance Site of 3 days, with short residency of Jurgen Fritz IPA and Johannes Deimling PAS_ Holaa Festival_ Quartair The Hague
2017 | ‘
P.S. Don’t miss this It is Live!`_ national performance art event with evening program by P.S.- Performance Site during Hoogtij #48_ The Hague Youth Factory
2017 | ‘
P.S. Live in Ruimtevaart’_ national performance art event with program in the evening, by P.S.- Performance Site_ Ruimtevaart The Hague
2015 | ‘
Performance Art Festival The Hague’_ international performance art event by P.S.- Performance Site_ Quartair The Haque
2011 | ‘
Linked’_ group exhibition and performance art program_ artist initiative SteC_ Hoogtij#27_ BinkVijfHoog_ The Hague
2010 | Kunstvlaai 2010_ group exhibition_ artist initiative SteC_ Westergasfabriek_ Amsterdam
2009 | ‘
FLAT_land’_ 4x Site Specific group exhibitions_ cooperation between STeC_ id11 and The Dutch Art Institute_ Poptahof_ Delft
2009 | ‘
Underground Network’_ group exhibition_ artist initiative SteC_ Artots_ Den Bosch
2008 | ’
Processing Relations’_ group exhibition_ artist initiative STeC_ Kunstvlaai _ Amsterdam
2007 | ‘
Progress in Space´_ group exhibition_ artist initiative SteC_ Kunstcentrum Haagweg 4_
2007 | ‘
Site et Cetera’_ group exhibition_ artist initiative SteC_ Bink 36__ The Hague



CV Jolanda Jansen                                                                                                                    long   //

            2005-2007 Dutch Art Institute at Enschede, Post graduate research and practice in Art
            2000-2005 Royal Academy of Art The Hague, Fine art, 3D


-CO-CREATION LIVE FACTORY: Dissenting Bodies Marking Time Venice International Performance Art Week_ Marilyn Arsem_ 2020
-Transart Communication 30_ Marilyn Arsem_ Prague Czech Republic_ 2017
-ACT.MOVE.PERFORM. Performance symposium in Dresden and Meißen_ 2017
-CO-CREATION LIVE FACTORY Prologue 1_ the Venice International Performance Art Week_ Androgo & Aliprandi_ 2017
-IPA Bristol_ workshop_ Vest and Page_ 2015
-Zierle&Carter and Dagmar I. Glausnitzer_ The Marathon_ Berlin_ Germany_ 2015
-P.A.S. Performance Art Studies_ # 35 | BBB Johannes Deimling_ Kaunas_ Lithuania_ 2014
Organizing / Curating
P.S. Performance Site: Performance Art Events The Hague
Initiator of the artist initiative SteC; Site specific projects

Exhibitions and Projects

Flow Symposium_ online_ A performance Lecture
This Art Fair_ Amsterdam_ performance program by P.S.- Performance Site_ performance
Stre!fen_ Görlitz (Germany) and Zgorzelec (Poland)_ performance in public space and exhibition
Riga Performance Festival_ Starptelpa (In-Between)_ online_ performance video
Unnoticed Art Performance Festival_ carrying out performances of other artists
Out of Site Chicago_ Flow Symposium_ Open Actions Performance Art_ live performance streamed
UN/CUBE gallery_ ‘Good Intentions’_ group show and opening events_ live performance streamed
Bbeyond Belfast_ R-A-W Recorded Action Web-Exhibition_ performance video
Spazio Grossi_ Bilbao Spain_ duo with Fausto Grossi_ performance
MEM festival Bilbao_ curator Txema Agiriano_ Salón de actos CMD San Francisco_ Bilbao Spain_ durational performance
Guggenheim Museum_ MEM festival Bilbao_ curator Txema Agiriano_ Bilbao Spain_ performance
End-to-End_ Hoogtij#62_ by P.S.- Performance Site_ De Helena_ The Hague_ performance
This Road Show_ by This Art Fair and P.S.- Performance Site_ NDSM Werf_ Amsterdam_ performance
Streifen_ Wildwuchs e.V. and PAS performance art studies #71_ Görlitz (Germany) and Zgorzelec (Poland)_ performance in public space
No Art_ Ponton_ Amsterdam_ performance
CO-CREATION LIVE FACTORY Prologue 2- Venice International Performance art week_ European Culture Centre – Palazzo Mora_ Italy_ solo performance
WHAT REMAINS: On the Sacred, the Lost, and the Forgotten Relics of Live Art_ project of Ieke Trinks and Joseph Ravens_ ARC Gallery_ Defibrillator Gallery space_ Chicago USA_
PiPe Festival_ Pictura Dordrecht_ performance
Eco Art Suncheon_ Jang An Gallery_ Suncheon Korea_ artist talk and performances
Eco Art Rebel Live Action_ Rebel Art Space_ BACC Bangkok Art and Culture Center and hang Chui Creative Park (together with Fausto Grozzi Terenzio)_ Bangkok Thailand_ artist talk and performances
Museum Nacht Den Haag_ Pulchri_ The Hague_ performance
Arti et Amicitiae_ Amsterdam_ Maelstrom_ project in collaboration with Anna J. van Stuijvenberg, with geust artists Marilyn Arsem, Jeroen Toirkens and Jelle Brandt Corstius_ installation and performance
Collector’s weekend_ Villa Sonsbeek_ Arnhem_ performance
Kuryokhin Center for Contemporary Art_ Saint Petersburg_ Russia_ duo exhibition with video work
Performancear O MORIR_ Panorama Arte_ Dunes of Samalayuca_ Monjes Valley_ Norogachi and Raramuri celebration_ Chihuahua Mexico_ 4 performances
PAS Sculpture Park_ De Helena The Hague_ performance
P.S. Time_ The Greyspace in the Middle, The Hague_ performance
Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale-II_ Government Museum, Chandigarh, India_ performance and Artist Talk
BUT film festival_ Breda_ performance
Twelve Twelve gallery_ The Hague_ performance during opening Saskia Tannemaat
Art Center Antares Taidekeskus_ Sippola Finland_ solo and group performance
Transart Communication 30_ Performance Train_ Public performance in Prague Czech Republic_ Karlin Studios_
Manggha museum Krakow_ Poland_
solo and group performances
The parallel Show Grande Finale_ NP3 Groningen(NL), Geylight-Projects Brussels(BE), Pictura Dordrecht(NL)_ groepsperformance
Performance Crossings_ Crossclub_ Prague_ Czech Republic_ performance
Fullmoon Performance evening P.S._ De drie Mollen_ Den Bosch_ performance
34-International Festival SARAJEVO SARAJEVSKA ZIMA 2018 ANOTHER FACE OF THE WORLD_ Sarajevo_ Bosnië Herzegovina_ performance and video
CO-CREATION LIVE FACTORY Prologue 1- Venice Performance art week_ Italy_ solo and group performances
PAO – A polyphony of voices_ Artist reflections_ Oslo_ Norway_ performance
BUT film festival_ Breda_ performance
P.S. – This is Live! ThePoetic in performance art_ The Hague_
outdoor performance
PYRFYR at Solyanka State Gallery in Moscow_ Russia_
screenings and performance
Performance Bar_ Rotterdam_ performance with duo Crutches
P.S. Don’t miss this It is Live!`_ Performance Site event The Hague_ Hoogtij #48_ performance with duo Crutches
P.S. Live in Ruimtevaart_ Performance Site event The Hague_ performance
This Art Fair_ Beurs van Berlage_ Amsterdam_ video screenings with artist duo Crutches
TheParallelShow #9_ Stasi Museum_ Berlin_ performance action
The Big Draw_ Den Bosch_ performance
WIPAW_ Warsaw International Performance Art Weekend_ Poland_ performance
Unnoticed Art Festival 2016_ Nijmegen_ performance actions
But Filmfestival_ Breda_ performance
Pulchri_ Den Haag_ installation and performance
Rondje Kunst_ Statenkwartier_ Den Haag_ long durational performance
Flam VI_ Dansmakers_ Amsterdam_ performance group
Rotterdam Museum Night_ Breaking & Making Routines_ Goethe Institute_ performance

Ruimtevaart_ DDDD_ Brouwersgracht 2 The Hague_
Arnolfini _ Bristol_ UK_
solo performance
Castle Park_ Bristol_ UK_
Duo performance with Andrea Greenwood
Pictura_ Performancefestival with traces_ Dordrecht_
Cel 32_ Berlin_ Germany_
NordArt_ Carlshütte Büdelsdorf, Germany_
Performance Art Festival The Hague_ curator and organization_

Playfull Arts Festival_ ‘s-Hertogenbosch_ performance
Galerie Nasty Alice_ ‘SEX’_ Nijmegen_ video and performance
CREATurE Live Art Festival_ Kaunas_ Lithuania_
RAW Art fair_ Rotterdam_
video installation
Witzenhausengallery_ Amsterdam_
video installation_ solo
Witte Slagerij_ Rotterdam_
video installation and performance

Van AbbeMuseum_ Nijmegen_ Young Art Night_
Galerie Nasty Alice_ Nijmegen_
OutLINE__ Amsterdam_
Nijmeegse Kunstnacht__ Nijmegen_
Art Meets Science__ Art Crumbles _ Nijmegen _
installation and performance
Match__ bART Den Bosch_ TAC Eindhoven_ Electron Breda_ Artots Den Bosch_
project of matching outside your comfort zone_ installation and performance
Lights in the Good Luck Garage__ RAW artfair_ Rotterdam_
Resedency Unlimited__ New York_ USA_ residency and performance_
Witzenhausengallery__ New York_ USA_
exhibition solo

Art Miami__ Miami_ USA_
5th till 9th December_ two video presentations
Primo Piano Livingallery__ Lecce Italy
_ Our Future Imagined_ international video art
Art Crumbles__ Nijmegen_
3th November till 9th December_ video installation and performance
Incubate_ Tilburg_
Metamorfose 3_ Stichting Ruimtevaart_ The Hague_
Scope__ Basel _ Switzerland_
two video presentations
Extrapool__ Nijmegen _ Performance festival_
Hoogtij #29__ BH139_ The Hague_ duo presentation with Sanne Maes_
performance and video installations
Oisterwijk Sculptuur__ Oisterwijk_
performance and video installations
Witzenhausengallery__ Amsterdam_
‘Solitude’_ video installations_ solo
PAEkort #5 __ Performance Art Event_ Rotterdam_
performance during RAW art
RAW Artfair__ Rotterdam_ RAW EXPO_
video_ video-installation

Hoogtij #27__ BinkVijfHoog_ The Hague_ ‘Linked’_ artist initiative STeC_ installation and performance
Incubate__ Filmfoyer Theaters_ Tilburg_ video screening
Galerie Lange Dwars__ Gouda_ ‘Perserverance #1/#2’_ performance and video projections
Cremers 330Live__
The Hague_ ‘8 visual showcases’_ screening
Artots__ Den Bosch_ ‘Kunststof’_ performance
Het Paard van Troje__ The Hague_ ‘Antilounge’_ video

Gouda bij Kunstlicht__ Gouda_ videoprojection on location during lightfestival
Artots__ Den Bosch_ ‘Performance weekend’_ performance
Kunstvlaai 2010__ Westergasfabriek_ Amsterdam_ artist initiative STeC_ installation and performance
Galerie Roodbol__ Gouda_ ‘Linked’video screening and performance

Kunstenaars & Co__ Amsterdam_ ‘Mentoring’_ mentor Ulay
Verkade Fabriek__ Den Bosch‘Performance Art Meets Urban Diversity’_ performance
Poptahof__ Delft_
‘FLAT_land’_ cooperation between STeC_ id11 and The Dutch Art Institute_ multimedia installation with Hetty Krapels and performance
25th Jazz Festival__ Delft_
 ‘Jazz Delft’_ performance with Marlijn Helder
Zenith Festival__ The Hague_ video screening during concert
Stadsschouwburg__ Amsterdam_
 ‘Boekenbal’_ video projection and installation
Artots__ Den Bosch_
‘Underground Network’, artist initiative STeC_ multimedia-installation and performance
Quartair__ The Hague_ ‘Flora en Fauna Festival’_ video installation and performance
Villa Nuts__ The Hague_ 
‘Exhibition Nutshuis’_ site specific video installation and performance with Marlijn Helder

Videowall__ Stadsschouwburg Utrecht_ ‘Gum’_ solo screening
Kunstvlaai 2008__ Amsterdam_ artist initiative STeC_ ’Processing Relations’_ installation and performance
Kunstcentrum Haagweg 4__ Leiden_ ‘
Progress in Space´_ artist initiative SteC_ Site Specific work and performance
Kunsthuis SYB__ Beetsterzwaag_
 ‘The Expanding Pie’_ research project on economy
Villa Noailles__ Hyères_ France_
‘For where we are we are not’_ video
Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal_ Scheltema_ Leiden_
‘Brains Unlimited’_ on scientific research_ video-portrait

Gasometer Oberhausen__ Germany_ ‘DAIRO’_ Resonance FM_ live performance/concert of portable radio’s
Nan-Hai Gallery__ Taipei_ Taiwan_ ‘Here as the centre of the world’_ installation and performance
Kunstvlaai 2006__ Amsterdam_
curated by Lisette Smits_ installation
PlanetArt__ Enschede_ ‘BIMRAP’_ performance
W139__ Amsterdam_‘BIMRAP’_ DAI workshop with Felix Kubin and Resonance FM_ performances and exhibition
t Hoogt__ Utrecht_‘Cinematiek #9’_ initiated by Lazy Marie_ video screening

KABK – Royal Academy of Art The Hague__ performative reading_ ‘TSA_presentatie’
Arti et Amicitiae_ Amsterdam_ Maelstrom_ in collaboration with Anna J. van Stuijvenberg
Eco Art Suncheon_ Jang An Gallery_ Suncheon Korea
Eco Art Rebel Live Action_ Rebel Art Space_ Bangkok Thailand
Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale-II_ Government Museum, Chandigarh, India
PAO – A polyphony of voices_ Artist reflections_ Oslo_ Norway
PYRFYR at Solyanka State Gallery in Moscow_ Russia

Organizer and Curator
End-to-End’_ performance event during Hoogtij#62_ by P.S.- Performance Site_ De Helena_ Den Haag
‘This Road Show performance program’_ P.S.- Performance Site in cooperation with This Art Fair_ performances within outdoor exhibition_ NDSM Werf_ Amsterdam
Project ID screening’_ evening with Open Source group performance and screening Project ID_ by P.S.- Performance Site_ Ruimtevaart The Hague
Project ID – In between identities’_ international performance art event by P.S.- Performance Site_ in cooperation with Venice International Performance Art Week (Vest&Page), Marilyn Arsem and LADA, with short residency and live performance event, exhibition and readings_ Maakhaven / De Helena / Ruimtevaart / de Barthkapel The Hague
Sculpture Park’_ Workshop with BBB Johannes Deimling of 2 days and live presentation_ Ruimtevaart The Hague
Time’, International performance art event by P.S.- Performance Site of two days, with 6 international artists and 6 artists from The Hague_ Hoogtij#55_ The Grey Space In The Middle The Hague
P.S. COS’_ Context and Open source with Readings and group performances_ 3 afternoons by P.S.- Performance Site_ Ruimtevaart The Hague
Fullmoon in de 3Mollen’, national performance art event with evening program_ exchange between P.S.- Performance Site and stichting STeC Den Bosch
P.S.- This is Live!’_ International performance art event by P.S.- Performance Site of 3 days, with short residency of Jurgen Fritz IPA and Johannes Deimling PAS_ Holaa Festival_ Quartair The Hague
P.S. Don’t miss this It is Live!`_ national performance art event with evening program  by P.S.- Performance Site during Hoogtij #48_ The Hague Youth Factory
P.S. Live in Ruimtevaart’_ national performance art event with program in the evening, by P.S.- Performance Site_ Ruimtevaart The Hague
Performance Art Festival The Hague’_ international performance art event by P.S.- Performance Site_ Quartair The Haque
Linked’_ group exhibition and performance art program_ artist initiative SteC_ Hoogtij #27__ BinkVijfHoog_ The Hague
Kunstvlaai 2010_ group exhibition_ artist initiative SteC_ Westergasfabriek_ Amsterdam
FLAT_land’_  4x Site Specific group exhibitions_ cooperation between STeC_ id11 and The Dutch Art Institute_ Poptahof_ Delft
Underground Network’_ group exhibition_ artist initiative SteC_ Artots_ Den Bosch
Processing Relations’_ group exhibition_ artist initiative STeC_ Kunstvlaai _ Amsterdam
Progress in Space´_ group exhibition_ artist initiative SteC_ Kunstcentrum Haagweg 4_ Leiden
Site et Cetera’_ group exhibition_ artist initiative SteC_ Bink 36__ The Hague

2020 AFK Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten
2012/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020 Stroom The Hague Spot individual exhibition
2013 Mondriaan Fund
2011 Stroom Spot

              Funding Group exhibition
Stroom Den Haag_ Fonds 1818_ Stokroos_ Broedplaatsen subsidie Gemeente Den Haag_ Gemeente Den Bosch_ Mondriaan Fund_ Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds_ Goethe Institut_AFK Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunsten


2018 The ParallelShow, Frans van Lent
2018 ‘Jegens en Tevens’, internet blog
2018 ‘ChmKoome’s blog
2017 POA festival, interview with Jolanda Jansen
2017 ‘ChmKoome’s blog

2014 ‘Jegens en Tevens’, internet blog
2013 ‘Performance Jolanda Jansen’, Dutch Art Monkeys
2013 ‘In Performance’, Contemporary Performance, NY
2013 ‘Perserving in Solitude’, Psychology Tomorrow, NY
2012 ‘ChmKoome’s blog
2012 ‘Jegens en Tevens’, internet blog
2012 ‘Oisterwijk Sculptuur’, Brabands Dagblad
2012 ‘Sculptuur in Oisterwijk’, Tableau article
2012 ‘Raw Expo’, Mister Motley
2012 ‘What’s up magazine, special edition’_ RAW Expo Rotterdam_ catalogue
2012 ‘Raw Art Fair – Dag 1 – Geweren, mariniers, eierwekkers en klei’, Gonzo (circus)
2011 ‘Videobeelden in de Lange Dwarsstraat’, De Krant van Gouda
2010 ‘Dierlijke mensenlichamen in een oude steenhouwerij’, Tubelight
‘Here as the cenjter of the world’_ a trans national research project_ DAI
2009 Flat_land by STeC and id11
NRC_ review_ ’Heren Toilet’_ 08-05-08
‘Out of Mind and Body’_ with an interview by the performance and photographic artist Ulay about my work